Iron Ball, Wooden Staff, Empty Hands

Caylor Adkins

Caylor Adkins uses three complementary modalities to teach you how to improve your structure, flow, and maneuver in any style of martial arts practice. The bottom line: Hitting harder without power.
Adkins has over 50 years of rigorous training with a bias for studying realistic combat. He has always sought broadly based sources of martial arts understanding for himself and his students beyond his original training in Shotokan Karate. His criterion is that the ideas really work. Some of the sources included in the book include:
* Ball and staff forms from Chinese masters
* Western boxing
* Russian Systema empty arm techniques
* Stick work from Balintawak Cuentada Escrima
* Experts in body structure and connection: medical physiologists, external martial arts styles, Ida Rolf structural integration, and Lu Wen Wei’s four-center (tantien) model
* Chi flow models from internal martial arts styles
The goal of the book is to transmit Adkins’ martial arts understanding to improve the technique and combat ability of his readers. He uses basic techniques, forms, and combat drills in three complementary modalities (iron ball, wooden staff, and empty hands) to explain:
* Structure: integrating the whole body and spirit to hit harder with less wasted power
* Flow: using breathing, chi, and movement initiators to move quickly and efficiently
* Maneuver: defeating a dangerous opponent by understanding focus, critical edge, disruptive techniques, and centering

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Visits from the Forest People

Julie Scott

Julie Scott and the rest of the Scott family report on their experiences in Western Washington while sharing the forest surrounding their home with a group of Bigfoot, which Scott calls Forest People. The reports include several sightings and other evidence, interactions between the Scott family and the Forest People, and, amusingly, Bigfoot’s uncanny ability to avoid being photographed despite the extensive efforts of a team of Bigfoot researchers.
Julie includes her thoughts about the origins of Bigfoot, explanations for some of the difficulties in collecting evidence of Bigfoot, thoughts about the current state of Bigfoot research, and suggestions for establishing more effective communication between Bigfoot and humans.

Julie is a member of Oregon Bigfoot and the United Bigfoot Research Group. She is a co-host on a weekly Blogtalk Radio show discussing Bigfoot, the paranormal, and cryptozoology, and has been a guest on several other shows as well. Julie volunteers her time as a contact person for local law enforcement, fish and game, and forest service departments by providing education about Bigfoot sightings in her area.

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Bigfoot Observer’s Field Manual

Robert W. Morgan

Robert Morgan teaches you how to have a personal encounter with a Forest Giant (Bigfoot). There are clear instructions for finding the best place to search for the Forest Giants, what you need to do to prepare yourself, and how to react when you have your encounter. Robert also shares some of his successes and failures… and a bit of personal philosophy, too.

The book is available in paperback and In Robert Morgan’s own voice on two CDs. The books and CDs are not exactly the same and we recommend you buy both.

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Soul Snatchers: A Quest for True Human Beings

Robert W. Morgan

From 1972 to 1990 Robert W. Morgan journeyed across America and to Russia to meet with Native Americans, a Tibetan lama, Bigfoot researchers, and legends of the Old West. In this book he reports on the relationship between Native American legends, Tibetan beliefs, the modern phenomenon of Bigfoot and UFO sightings, and why the legends are important in understanding modern American culture

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Valley of the Skookum: Four Years of Encounters with Bigfoot

Sali Sheppard-Wolford
Foreword by Autumn Williams

A four-year story of ongoing encounters between the author, Sali Sheppard-Wolford and a group of Bigfoot that played in her yard and thunderously walked by her house in the dead of night.

In addition to the Bigfoot encounters, Sheppard-Wolford describes her spirit journeys with the Indian guide, Dream Walker, and investigations of other strange phenomena near Orting, including an old UFO crash where the old newspapers reporting the crash have mysteriously disappeared and spirit lights that appeared on the ridge above the river.

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Bigfoot Casebook Updated: Sightings and Encounters from 1818 to 2004

Janet and Colin Bord

The classic Bigfoot book of the 1980s updated with more stories and pictures of Bigfoot sightings and Bigfoot hunters. The Bords take a Fortean view of the topic by presenting the evidence and letting you draw your own conclusions. There’s more about Bigfoot here.

During the 1980s the Bords wrote books on a wide range of Fortean topics, including Alien Animals, Bigfoot Casebook, Modern Mysteries of Britain, Modern Mysteries of the World (published in the USA as Unexplained Mysteries of the 20th Century), Life Beyond Planet Earth?, and The World of the Unexplained (showcasing the most interesting photographs in the Fortean Picture Library). In more recent years Janet Bord has written several books including Footprints in Stone: Imprints of Giants, Heroes, Holy People, Devils, Monsters and Supernatural Being, Fairies: Real Encounters with Little People; and The Traveler’s Guide to Fairy Sites, and is currently writing books on the holy wells of Britain and Ireland.

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Daimonic Reality: A Field Guide to the Otherworld

Patrick Harpur

A brilliant look at the phenomena the mystify us, bringing together diverse areas such as fairies and UFOs, crop circles and skeptics, devils, angels, shamans, and witches. This is a wonderful book for those of you who are looking for more than another list of haunted houses or mundane ghostly tales.

Harpur says that we do not live in a purely physical reality, as many Western scientist would have us believe. Instead there is another side to our lives that Harpur calls daimonic reality. It makes room for many of the things that we know exist, but choose to ignore because we have been told they are "impossible." Putting the two realities together will make our world whole again and let us move on toward deeper understanding of the events Harpur calls daimonic.

Harpur weaves his thesis with wit and ingenuity, combining ideas of Carl Jung, the Gnostics, the Romantic poets and writers with his own insights to show us what is possible if we allow ourselves to experience our world daimonically.

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