Three Kinds of Kahunas

Kahunas are the magic workers on the Hawaiian Islands. According to Max Freedom Long in Recovering the Ancient Magic there are three groups of kahunas.
1. Various kinds of mediums, few of which ever accomplish any results of value.
2. A group using the lesser magic. Better than psychologists in the West, but not all that great.
3. Those who can use the powers on the plane of realization (from what I call the Info region of the soul). These kahunas perform feats that are miracles to Western eyes. Continue reading “Three Kinds of Kahunas”

Giving Back the Apple from the Garden of Eden

I wonder what God was thinking when He put the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden. Then He said don’t eat its fruit. Then He let the tempter convince his creation to try the fruit.

I think that’s what He really wanted us to do, but He was kind enough to give us the choice.

And what have we done with the knowledge? As far as I can tell most of humanity spends its time trying to give the knowledge back. Since this is a life force group, I’ll use one brief example from that area to explain.

The life force is a powerful tool that can be used for healing disease. In their own ways people, such as Edgar Cayce and Mary Baker Eddy, used the life force to heal. Sometimes they were successful and sometimes not, Continue reading “Giving Back the Apple from the Garden of Eden”

Rupert Sheldrake and the Sense of Being Stared At

If you haven’t read about Rupert Sheldrake’s set of experiments on staring, you should. Here’s a link to his site:

I recently saw another attack on his experiments in Richard Shermer’s column in the Scientific American.

Many people are quick to point out that the experiments have been replicated many times — just as scientific protocol demands. Objections have been taken into account and changes made in the experimental design, still with positive results. Here’s one example.

(You will notice in Sheldrake’s response that he says he does not endorse the idea of a “universal life force.” As you know, I think there is one. It does not change the quality of his evidence.) Continue reading “Rupert Sheldrake and the Sense of Being Stared At”

Martyrs and the 72 Virgins

A brief thought for all those who seek shortcuts to the pleasures of heaven. The Koran’s promise of 72 virgins for martyrs of Islam may be true. What the leaders fail to tell the faithful is that, being heaven, the virgins remain virgins…forever.

For a more scholarly take on the issue you might look at
this article from the Guardian. If you get bored, at least skip to the bottom three paragraphs. The thought of martyrs getting 72 raisins is amusing.