Lessons of the Inca Shamans, Part 2

Deborah Bryon

In Lessons of the Inca Shamans, Part 2: Beyond the Veil, Deborah Bryon continues the story of her personal journey which led her to the mountains of Peru to study under the indigenous Inca shamans. Descendants of the original medicine people of the Andes, the shamans are guided by an ancient prophecy to pass on their central teachings of the interconnectedness of all creatures (ordinary and spiritual) and our connection with Pachamama (Mother Earth).

Deborah attempted to analyze her experiences with the Inca shamans from a professional perspective only to learn that the training she received from the shamans goes far beyond what her university teachings prepared her for. She soon discovered that the shamanic way reaches deep into our Hearts as she learned to connect with her teachers and the spirit of community they share. The book includes sacred initiation rites with more than a third being direct quotes from the shamans and the spirits they are in contact with.

Buy the book from Idyll Arbor.

Visit the Lessons of the Inca Shamans website.

Visit Deborah’s website.